Sagrespreta (1)
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Sagres Preta

Sagres Preta

The alternative for an immense minority

Launched in 1940 during the Portuguese World Exhibition, SAGRES Preta® is a dark colored beer, moderately rich, with a pleasant caramel “bouquet”. For many, it is “the alternative drink for an immense minority who wants to know the difference”.

Medium-bodied ale, with a balanced taste and carbonation. Pleasant toasted barley notes with hints of coffee and creamy foam.

It claims to be the "alternative drink for an immense minority who wants to know the difference”.

Type: Munich
Alcohol Content: 4.1%
Available Since: 1940

FT 02 Sagres Preta (V24)
Sagres Preta


Distinguished among the most important awards are:

- Monde Selection – International High Quality Trophy in 2011

- Grand Gold Medal in 2010

- Gold Medal in 1974, 1978*2, 1979*2, 2004, 2005, 2009 and 2011


  • For many years, SAGRES Preta® was the only ale available in the domestic market.